
小蝦米對抗大鯨魚:淺談語音變異對詞彙提取的影響 / 馮怡蓁(國立臺灣大學語言學研究所副教授)


本系與臺大人文社會高等研究院合辦【尖端講座系列第二十二場】【Leading-Edge Lecture 22】From Global Warming into a New Ice Age? Climate, Adaptation and Examples from the Past

This lecture starts by clarifying concepts often used in a mixed and unclear way, such as climate, environment, meteorology, adaptation or transformation. It then reviews several examples in history, relating climatic stages or oscillations with human cultural changes, then attempting to draw some conclusions on adaptive trends. In a third moment it reviews contemporary indicators of global warming and what is known as the “great acceleration”, framing them in a longer climate cycle and the mechanisms leading towards a new cooling stage. It finally concludes by suggesting methodologies to adapt to what should be characterised as an uncertain mid-term future.