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本系與科技部人文社會科學研究中心合辦林瑋嬪教授新著 Island Fantasia: Imagining Subjects on the Military Frontline between China and Taiwan 國際新書發表會
講 題 Island-fantasia 國際新書發表會 時 間 臺灣:11/… Read More
公告內容 2021臺灣考古學會年會暨學術研討會台、清、成三校團體會員之非會員學生… Read More
國立臺灣大學文學院人類學系 徵聘考古學領域專任教師啟事
國立臺灣大學文學院人類學系 徵聘文化人類學領域專任教師啟事
口試時間:110年07月23日(星期五) 15:00至17:00。 說明:每人口… Read More
本系與臺大人文社會高等研究院合辦【尖端講座系列第二十二場】【Leading-Edge Lecture 22】From Global Warming into a New Ice Age? Climate, Adaptation and Examples from the Past
This lecture starts by clarifying concepts often used in a mixed and unclear way, such as climate, environment, meteorology, adaptation or transformation. It then reviews several examples in history, relating climatic stages or oscillations with human cultural changes, then attempting to draw some conclusions on adaptive trends. In a third moment it reviews contemporary indicators of global warming and what is known as the “great acceleration”, framing them in a longer climate cycle and the mechanisms leading towards a new cooling stage. It finally concludes by suggesting methodologies to adapt to what should be characterised as an uncertain mid-term future.