講 題 | Introduction to the Techno-functional Approach in Lithics Analysis: Methodology and Case Studies. |
講 者 | Dr. Fabio Santaniello (PhD, Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of University of Trento, Italy) & Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento |
演講簡介 | 技術功能方法透過史前文物的類型、技術及功能特徵,進行具有人類學和行為導向的解釋,重點在於解讀技術行為的文化意涵,而非單純依據形態特徵進行分類。這種詮釋方法可廣泛應用於不同時期與地區的考古集合。在本次講座中,我們將以歐洲舊石器時代至新石器時代的案例,展示技術功能方法的應用,並探討其如何幫助我們深入理解史前人類的行為和文化。 |
講者介紹 | Fabio Santaniello (Ph.D. 2016, University of Trento, Italy) is a laboratory technician at the Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of Trento University. His research interests include lithic technology, archaeometry, functional analyses, and experimental archaeology. He is the director of the Fontana Ranuccio excavation (Italy). His research addresses various topics in Paleolithic and Neolithic archaeology, including small tools’ significance within the Lower Palaeolithic, the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition, Gravettian mobility strategies, and chert heat-treatment during the Early Neolithic. |