
New Behavioral Approaches in Lithic Analysis: Two Lectures / Prof. Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento, Italy); Dr. Fabio Santaniello (PhD, Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of University of Trento, Italy) & Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento

New Behavioral Approaches in Lithic Analysis: Two Lectures / Prof. Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento, Italy); Dr. Fabio Santaniello (PhD, Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of University of Trento, Italy) & Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento

New Behavioral Approaches in Lithic Analysis: Two Lectures / Prof. Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento, Italy); Dr. Fabio Santaniello (PhD, Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of University of Trento, Italy) & Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento

2024 年 11 月 13 日

New Behavioral Approaches in Lithic Analysis: Two Lectures

時  間 2024.11.26 (Tue.) 18:30-20:30
地  點臺大水源校區人類學系201室


講  題Identifying Prehistoric Cultural Change through Lithic Assemblage Variability
講  者Prof. Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento, Italy)
講者介紹Stefano Grimaldi (Ph.D. 1996, La Sapienza University of Rome) is Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento (Italy). He is also President of the Italian Institute of Human Paleontology. He is the director of the Riparo Mochi excavation (Italy). His research interests are centered on methodologies for defining mobility strategies of hunter-gatherers.


講  題Introduction to the Techno-functional Approach in Lithics Analysis: Methodology and Case Studies.
講  者Dr. Fabio Santaniello (PhD, Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of University of Trento, Italy) & Stefano Grimaldi (Professor of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Department of Humanities, University of Trento
講者介紹Fabio Santaniello (Ph.D. 2016, University of Trento, Italy) is a laboratory technician at the Laboratorio Bagolini: Archeologia, Archeometria, Fotografia of Trento University. His research interests include lithic technology, archaeometry, functional analyses, and experimental archaeology. He is the director of the Fontana Ranuccio excavation (Italy). His research addresses various topics in Paleolithic and Neolithic archaeology, including small tools’ significance within the Lower Palaeolithic, the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition, Gravettian mobility strategies, and chert heat-treatment during the Early Neolithic.

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