
Spirits and Stories of the Land: Mapping stories, remapping history / 吳考甯 Courtney Work(國立政治大學民族學系副教授)

Spirits and Stories of the Land: Mapping stories, remapping history / 吳考甯 Courtney Work(國立政治大學民族學系副教授)

Spirits and Stories of the Land: Mapping stories, remapping history / 吳考甯 Courtney Work(國立政治大學民族學系副教授)

2023 年 10 月 17 日


講  題Spirits and Stories of the Land: Mapping stories, remapping history
講  者吳考甯 Courtney Work(國立政治大學民族學系副教授)
時  間2023.10.25 (Wed.) 13:20-16:20
地  點人類學系 308 教室
演講簡介The Prey Lang Forest in north-central Cambodia is littered with temple debris from pre-Angkorian kings and also home to Kuy people whose place-based stories fold multiple historical moments into the contemporary moment. Working at the intersection of oral history and ecological transformations, our collaborative research agenda uncovers important connections between religious ‘superstitions’, ‘natural resources’, and historical obfuscations. This paper will present preliminary findings and provocations for teaching and research using an innovative Story Map format to present environmental stories.


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