- 《考古人類學刊》(下稱本刊)係由國立臺灣大學人類學系出版發行之多語文學術期刊,主要刊登考古學、人類學相關論著。
- 本刊年出兩期(6 月與12 月),接受研究論文、研究紀要、書評論文、田野報告、書評等五種類型文章投稿。若有學術價值極高之譯稿,亦可考慮接受。
- 本刊文章體例細則係以American Anthropological Association style 為本,再依中文文獻慣例略加修潤。請投稿人至國立臺灣大學人類學系網站 https://anthro.ntu.edu.tw 查閱。投稿本刊之文章應附五百字至一千字中英文摘要各一、中英文關鍵字各四至七個,以及作者現職簡介。
- 本刊歡迎國內外學界同仁及學生投稿,不限截稿日期。如蒙惠賜大作,請逕寄本刊編輯委員會。文章審查依「《考古人類學刊》審查作業要點暨流程原則」規定處理。
- 文章一經刊登,即致送作者當期全文電子檔,並可索取當期刊物二冊。
- The Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology (JAA) is published by the Department of Anthropology of National Taiwan University. The Journal welcomes manuscripts in the major written languages on all topics relevant to archaeology and anthropology.
- JAA is published twice a year in June and December. The Editorial Board invites submissions of research articles, research notes, review articles, field reports, and book reviews. An excellent work of academic translation may be considered for acceptance.
JAA adopts the AAA Style in principle and refers to the publishing guides of Chinese-language journals when necessary. All submissions may be sent either by e-mail (anthro@ntu.edu.tw; anthrontu@gmail.com) or by regular post to:
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology
c/o Department of Anthropology
National Taiwan University
Taipei 106319, TAIWAN- All submissions should be accompanied by a Chinese abstract and an English abstract (500-1000 words respectively), 4-7 keywords both in Chinese and English, and a note on the author’s affiliation.
- The Editorial Board appreciates contributors from all academic communities and accepts submissions year round. The Board will proceed following the review rules of JAA.
- Authors will receive a PDF file of their articles and may request two copies of the issue in which their articles appear.