講 題 | Ruffled Feathers : Human-Bird Relations and the Politics of Ontological Diversity in Taiwan |
講 者 | Professor Scott E. Simon(史國良教授,加拿大渥太華大學社會人類學系) |
時 間 | 2024.04.19 (Fri.) 14:00 |
地 點 | 國立臺灣大學水源校區行政大樓人201教室 |
演講簡介 | With the emergence of multispecies ethnography and the ontological turn, there is increasing interest in “anthropology beyond the human.” But, attention to animals during field research also provides new insights into political relations between humans, as I have learned in over 20 years of research with in Seediq and Truku communities. In the past year, seeking to compare different ontologies in Taiwan, I have also done field research in Qigu District of Tainan and on Pongso no Tao (Orchid Island), focusing on human-bird relations. How do different ways of relating to birds reveal diverse human ontologies? How do these various ontologies come into being? When do ontologies become political? Insights from Taiwan provide new insights on the theoretical work on ontology of Philippe Descola, Mario Blaser, and others. |
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