
標  題3D Modelling in Archaeology 工作坊
講  者Professor Graeme Earl(SOAS University of London)
Dr. Gareth Beale(University of Glasgow)
時  間2024.04.26 (Fri.) 14:00-17:00
地  點臺大人類學系201教室
工  作  坊
流     程

14:00-14:10 Opening


14:10-15:00 專題演講

講題:Middling Cultures: Recording, analysing and exploring Early Modern England.
講者:Professor Graeme Earl(SOAS University of London)


15:00-15:50 專題演講

講題:The Storied Land: Digital storytelling & Cultural Landscapes in the Scottish Highlands.
講者:Dr. Gareth Beale(University of Glasgow)


15:50-17:00 綜合討論


Members of the university community and interested friends are welcome to attend. No registration is needed.