Thesis/Dissertation Supervision
1. | 博士班研究生除第一學年的導師得為系主任外,最遲須於第二學年第一學期加退選之前選定指導教授,並由指導教授負責組成該生之三人指導委員會,向系主任報備後,系主任須提系務會議報告。 The instructor of Ph.D. students in the first academic year must be the department dean. No later than the first semester of the second academic year, before course adding and dropping, a student must select a supervising professor. The supervising professor will be responsible for organizing a student’s three-person supervising committee. After this is reported to the department dean he/she must report to the department meeting. |
2. | 指導教授以本系專任教授、副教授、助理教授擔任為原則,必要時經系主任同意,得以兼任教授、副教授擔任。 The supervising professor shall in principle be full-time professors, associate or assistant professor from this department. When necessary and when the approval of the dean is acquired professors and associate professors who teach part-time can be supervising professors. |
3. | 博士班研究生論文指導委員以本系專兼任助理教授以上擔任為原則,必要時得商請系外或校外之教授、副教授、助理教授或同職等之公立學術機構研究員、副研究員、助研究員為指導委員,但其人數不得超過二人。 The supervising committee members shall be professors over assistant and associate level full or part-time professors from this department. When necessary, professors and associate and assistant professors from outside the department or university or researchers, associate or assistant researchers of the same job level from national academic research bodies can be supervising committee members, but should not exceed two in number |
4. | 博士班研究生於指導委員會組成後,經指導教授同意,須向辦公室索取報備表格,填妥後逕交辦公室存查。 After the supervising committee is formed, after approval from the supervising professor, the Ph.D. student should acquire a report form from the office, complete it and hand it into the office for filing. |
5. | 指導委員會主要負責指導研究生選課、資格考試及論文撰寫,並為該生學位考試委員之當然成員。 The supervising committee is mainly responsible for supervising the student’s course selection, qualifying examination and thesis writing. They are automatic members of the student’s degree examination committee. |
6. | 博士班研究生應於每學期選課開始前與指導委員討論選課安排情形,並得指導教授及系主任同意後,繳交歷年修課審查記錄表。 The Ph.D. student should discuss course selection with the supervising committee before course selection begins each semester, and after gaining the approval of the supervising professor and the department dean, hand in a past course checking record. |
7. | 博士班研究生應於第二學年第二學期開始,每學期向指導委員會報告論文研究大綱及預定進度;每學年第一學期加退選結束前應以書面方式將論文研究大綱及預定進度交辦公室備查。 Beginning from the second semester of the second academic year the Ph.D. student shall report on the outline of research and projected progress rate to the supervising committee each semester. Before course adding and dropping ends in the first semester of each academic year the thesis research outline and projected progress rate shall be reported to the office in writing. |
8. | 博士班研究生經指導委員會同意後,始得申請資格考試及學位考試。 Only after the approval of the supervising committee can a Ph.D. student apply for the qualifying examination and degree examination. |
9. | 博士班研究生完成之博士論文,應附加指導委員名單(其格式由本所規定) The Ph.D. thesis completed by the Ph.D. student shall have the names of the supervising committee members attached (the format to be decided by this institute) |
Qualifying Exam
Detailed rules for the implementation of the Graduate Institute for Anthropology Ph.D. degree candidate qualifying examination
These rules are set in accordance with the “Main points for the implementation of the NTU Ph.D. candidate qualifying assessment”
第一條 Article 1 | 資格考試之申請條件: Qualifying examination application conditions: | |
一、 | 考試之申請以兩次為限。 1. Examination applications limited to two | |
二、 | 博士班研究生於修畢應修26學分後,自修業之第二學年起,經指導教授同意,得提出資格考試申請,惟至遲應於修業第四學年第二學期結束前通過資格考試,未通過者依校規退學。 2. After completing the required 26 credits, from the second academic year, with approval from the supervising professor, a Ph.D. student can put forward a qualifying examination application. At the latest, the qualifying examination should be passed before the end of the second semester of the fourth academic year or. Students who fail will, according to the university regulations, be required to end their studies. | |
第二條 Article 3 | 資格考試之申請規定: Qualifying examination application regulations: | |
一、 | 1. Application time limit: First semester from the date that the student completes registration for that semester until November 30; second semester from the date that registration for that semester is completed to April 30. | |
二、 | 2. When a Ph.D. student puts forward a qualifying examination application he/she must fill in a qualifying examination application and, after approval from the supervising professor and department dean, complete the application at the office. | |
三、 | 3. The qualifying examination should be held before the end of the semester in which the application is made according to the school calendar | |
四、 | 4. After applying for the qualifying examination, it can be withdrawn but the latest that the application can be withdrawn is one week before the date of the examination. To withdraw the application, after approval from the supervising professor and department dean, the student should complete an application withdrawal form and apply in the office. | |
第三條 Article 3 | Organization of the qualifying examination: made up of the members of the Ph.D. student’s thesis supervising committee考試委員會之組織:由本系博士班該研究生論文指導委員會組成。 | |
第四條 Article 4 | 考試內容:分筆試及口試兩項;筆試由資格考試委員負責命題及閱卷,七十分為及格。 Contents of examination: Written and oral test. The questions of the written test will be set and marking done by the qualifying examination committee | |
第五條 Article 5 | 考試科目:筆試分兩科,其科目由指導教授及資格考試委員會商定後,向所長報備。口試內容為博士論文研究計畫書。 Examination subjects: the written test will have two subjects. After they are decided by the supervising professor and the qualifying examination committee they will be reported to the department head. The contents of the oral examination will be the Ph.D. thesis research plan. | |
第六條 Article 6 | Examination method: Each application will involve one written examination and one oral examination. Only after the written examination is passed can the oral examination be taken. If both subjects in the written examination are failed then the applicant will be reported to the university as having failed the qualifying examination once. If one subject is failed, the applicant can take the qualifying examination again but must retake and pass the oral examination in the next semester at the latest. If the re-take is also failed or the oral examination is failed then the applicant will be reported to the university as having failed the qualifying examination once. If both subjects n the written examination are passed but the oral is failed, the applicant can retake the latter once but it must be retaken in the next semester at the latest. If the re-take is also failed the applicant be reported to the university as having failed the qualifying examination once. | |
第七條 Article 7 | 資格考試不及格,經重考一次仍不及格者,應令退學。 If a student fails the qualifying examination twice they will be asked to end their studies. | |
第八條 Article 8 | 本辦法經系務會議通過並報請教務處研教組核備後,自八十六學年度起入學之博士班研究生開始實施,修改時亦同。 After being approved by the departmental affairs meeting and the graduate student teaching section of the Academic Affairs Department, these rules will apply to Ph.D. students who are admitted from the 1997 academic year, and the same applies to revisions. |
Detailed implementation rules of the Ph.D. degree qualifying examination of the Department of Anthropology of National Taiwan University.
These detailed rules are set in accordance with the “Graduate Institute of Anthropology, NTU Ph.D. candidate qualifying examination implementation rules” Passed by the first-course committee meeting the first semester of the 89 academic year, on November 18, 2000. | |
一、 | 博士生最遲應於決定申請資格考試之前一學期中,請指導教授召開指導委員會議以商定兩個筆試考試科目。 At least one semester before they apply for qualifying examination Ph.D. students should ask their supervising professor to call a supervising committee meeting to decide the two written exam subjects. |
二、 | 確定兩科筆試研讀書目範圍之時間由指導委員會決定。 The time when the scope of the bibliography of the two written examinations shall be decided by the supervising committee |
三、 | 筆試出題方式由指導委員會決定。 The method of producing the written exam questions will be decided by the supervising committee. |
四、 | 筆試分兩天考完,一天一科。 The written examination will be held over two days, one subject per day |
五、 | 筆試每科以70分為及格。 The passing mark for the written examination is 70 for each subject. |
六、 | 筆試通過後,考題上網,並置於人類學資料研究室。 After the examination is passed the questions will be put on the Internet and in the anthropology research data library |
七、 | 指導委員會會議記錄、學生研讀書目、筆試時程、及考題等,指導教授應在定案之後,向系上報備之。 After completion of the supervisory meeting minutes, student bibliography, student research meeting, the written examination timetable, and the questions, the supervising professor should report them to the department. |
八、 | 筆試通過後,即進行口試。考試時間以兩小時為原則,確切考試日期由指導委員會決定。 After the examination is passed, an oral examination will be held. The length of the examination will be two hours. The exact date of the examination shall be decided by the supervising committee. |
Degree Examination (Dissertation Defense) Regulations
Graduate institute of Anthropology PhD Examination regulations
These regulations are set in accordance to the “NTU PhD and Masters degree examination regulations”
第一條 Article 1 | 申請資格: Application requirements | |
一、 | 須修業滿二年,並已修畢本所規定之應修學分。 | |
二、 | 經資格考試及格。 | |
三、 | 已完成論文初稿。 1. At least two years of study and the required credits completed 2. Qualifying examination passed 3. First draft of thesis completed | |
第二條 Article 2 | 申請程序: Application process | |
一、 | 依照行事曆規定時間內申請。 | |
二、 | 申請時,除填申請書外,應具備歷年成績表、論文初稿及其提要各一份。 | |
三、 | 經指導教授及系主任同意後報請學校核備。 1. Application should be according to calendar regulations 2. When applying in addition to completing an application form, past result, the first draft of the thesis and a summary should be included 3. After agreement from the supervising professor and department head the application will be passed to the university for approval. | |
第三條 Article 3 | 學位考試進行程序: Degree examination process | |
一、 | 組織學位考試委員會。 | |
二、 | 辦理學位考試。 1. Organization of the degree examination committee 2. Carrying out of degree examination | |
第四條 Article 4 | 組織學位考試委員會規則: Regulations for the organization of the degree examination committee | |
一、 | 學位考試委員由指導委員會推薦,人數為5~9人,按規定由校長遴聘之,並由系主任指定一人為召集人,但指導教授不得為召集人。 1. Members of the examination committee shall be recommended by the guidance committee and have 5 to 9 members. They shall in accordance with regulations be employed by the principal with one appointed convener by the department dean. However, supervising professors shall not serve as conveners of the degree examination committee for students they supervise. | |
二、 | 博士學位考試委員,除對博士學位候選人所提論文學科、創作、展演或技術報告有專門研究外,並應具備左列資格之一: PhD degree examination committee members shall, in addition to having specialized knowledge of the PhD candidate’s thesis subject, creativity, exhibition or technology, also meet the following requirements: | |
1.擔任中央研究院院士 | ||
2.曾任教授、副教授、助理教授或曾任中央研究院研究員者、副研究員、助研究員,在學術上著有成就者。 | ||
3.獲有博士學位,在學術上著有成就者。 | ||
3. 屬於稀少性或特殊性學科,在學術或專業上著有成就者。 1. Fellow of Academia Sinica 2. Served as professor, associate professor, assistant professor or as a researcher at Academia Sinica, associate researcher, assistant researcher, with notable academic achievements. 3 Have a PhD degree and have notable academic achievements 4. Have notable academic achievements or expertise in rare or special subjects | ||
第五條 Article 5 | 辦理學位考試: Carrying out of degree examination: | |
一、 | 博士班研究生申請學位考試核准備案後,應以考試委員人數檢具影印之博士論文與提要,經本系審查符合規定後,擇期辦理有關學位考試事宜。 After exam approval After this department checks if the regulations are met a day will be chosen on which to carry out the degree examination. | |
二、 | 學位考試必須評定成績,評定以一次為限,未評定成績者以考試不及格論。考試成績以七十分為及格,一百分為滿分,以出席委員評定分數平均決定之。 Results evaluation 評定成績 must be carried out for the degree examination, with a limit of one evaluation. Without evaluation a fail result will be given. The pass mark is 70, with a maximum of 100. The mark will be decided by the attending members. | |
三、 | 學位考試至少需委員五人出席,缺席時不得以他人代理。 For degree examination at least five members must be in attendance. Proxies should not be used when members are absent. | |
四、 | 考試不及格,其修業年限尚未屆滿者,得於次學期或次學年重考,重考以一次為限;重考成績仍不及格者,應令退學。 When the candidate fails. If they have not reached the time limit for completion of the degree, they can re-take the examination the next semester or academic year. In the event of second failure the student should be ordered to end their studies. | |
第六條Article 6 | 學位考試日程依照行事曆規定,每學期舉行一次。 The degree examination timetable shall be held once each semester, according to the school calendar | |
第七條 Article 7 | 擬參加學位考試之博士班研究生,須於口試前至少三星期,將打字裝訂好之論文初稿連同論文審查表(其規格由本系制定,屆時請至助教室領取),親自送交考試委員。PhD students wanting to take part in the degree examination should personally hand over a typed and bound copy of the first draft of their thesis and a thesis examination form to the examination committee at least three weeks before the oral examination | |
第八條 Article 8 | 本辦法經系務會議通過後,自八十六學年度起入學之博士班研究生開始實施,修改時亦同。 After approval by the department affairs meeting, students admitted from the 1997 academic year shall be subject to these rules and to any amendments. |