Mu-chun Wu(吳牧錞)
Position: Associate Professor
Research Expertise: Spatial information systems, landscape archaeology, social archaeology, digital archaeology, settlement patterns, spatial analysis
Education: D.Phil. in Archaeology, University of Oxford
Positions held: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University
Office: Room 311, Department of Anthropology, Administration Building, Shuiyuan Campus
TEL: (02)3366-4743
我的研究興趣著重於探討「人身處於一環境中是如何感知、經驗和理解該地景環境並與之互動」,即是在地景環境的建造和再創造過程中,人的「主體性」扮演的角色為何。主要運用地理資訊系統、空間分析方法與電腦程式專門討論考古學中「路」的研究。此取徑重在由分析道路系統與空間連結進而探討人群的社群關係與對地景的概念與建構,即由分析聚落內與區域內聚落間的道路系統與空間連結,藉此深入理解與細緻探討聚落的社會結構、聚落間人群的活動與互動關係與形式、及其發展在時間上的轉變、人群對整體地景的理解等。 我的主要研究田野地有兩者: 一、臺灣-石版屋舊社的聚落模式與地景研究 |
Thesis / Dissertation
2015 | The Spatial Construct of Social Relations: Social Transformation in Early Kaushi, Taiwan (School of Archaeology, University of Oxford) | |
2010 | Spatial Integration and Consistency: Exploring Settlement Pattern in Saqacengalj, Taiwan (Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton) | |
2015 | 〈由聚落模式和房舍結構的地形適應解析人群的地景:以排灣族Aumagan舊社為例〉。國立臺灣大學人類學系。 |
Journal Articles
2013 | 〈聚落空間與社會鄰群:電子運算考古學在排灣高士舊社Saqacengalj的運用〉。《考古人類學刊》 79: 71-104。 |
2013 | Sandy Budden-Hoskins, Andreja Malovoz & Mu-Chun Wu, ’The prehistoric tumuli complex of Puri?–Ljubanj near Vrbanja in the Spa?va Basin, ?upanjska Posavina’ in ‘Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu’, Vol. 30, p133-156 University of Zagreb / Zagreb |
Book Sections
2012 | Mu-Chun Wu & Gary Lock, ’Spatial Construct of Social relations: human interactions and modelling agency’ in ‘Thinking Beyond the Tools: archaeological computing and interpretive process’ BAR International Series 2344 Archaeopress / Oxford |
Conference paper
2017 | ‘Modelling Communities: Social Transformation of Early Kaushi, Taiwan’ Conference paper presented at SAA in Vancouver. |
2016 | ‘Road Study in Archaeology: From Roads and Spatial Connection to the Interaction of People and Their Cognition and Construction of Landscape’ Paper presented at the ‘GIS in Anthropological Landscape Studies – a new approach’ workshop at National Taiwan University. |
2016 | 吳牧錞、吳宗江、陳瑪玲,「地表光達與攝影測量法在舊社研究中的成果與分析比較:以高士排灣Saqacengalj為例」會議論文發表於2015年臺灣考古工作會報。國立史前文化博物館 |
2016 | Mu-Chun Wu & Maa-Ling Chen, ’GIS as a Heutristic Tool: Revisiting Spatial Concepts in the Paiwan Landscape’ Conference paper presented at SAA in Orlando. |
2015 | 吳牧錞、陳瑪玲「地理資訊系統作為思考的輔助工具—排灣舊社地景的空間概念再省思」會議論文發表於2015年臺灣人類學與民族學年會,國立政治大學。 |
2015 | Andreja Malovoz & Mu-Chun Wu, ’Whole Worlds: Centring Identity on the Margins’ Conference paper presented at EAA at the University of Glasgow. |
2015 | ‘Wayfaring Social Relations: a Spatial Construct’ Conference paper presented at CAA International at the University of Siena. |
2012b | ‘Wayfaring Settlement Space: Exploring Social Agency in Saqacengalj, an Old Settlement of the Paiwan Tribe, South Taiwan’ Conference paper presented at the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA) International Conference at the Unversity College Dublin. |
2012a | ‘Spatial Construct of Social Relations: Human Interactions and Modelling Agency’ Conference paper presented at CAA International at the University of Southampton. |
2011c | ‘Spatial Construct of Social Relations: Human Interactions and Modelling Agency’ Conference paper presented at the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) at the University of Birmingham. |
2011b | ‘Spatial Integration and Consistency’ Paper presented at the ‘Spatial Thinking and Analytical GIS in Archaeology Workshop’ at the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University. |
2011a | ‘Decoding Space Syntax’ Paper presented at the ‘Spatial Thinking and Analytical GIS in Archaeology Workshop’ at the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University. |
2010 | ‘Spatial Integration and Consistency: Exploring Settlement Pattern in Saqacengalj, Taiwan’ Paper presented at the ‘Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium’ at the Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton. |